New power for fiber booster stations

"Where Problems Get Solved"​

Power for RTU units at a school in Athens Ga

New lights, controls, evaporators, and condensors.

Crush It 

What we do:

  1. New/addition/altercations commercial projects.
  2. LED Lighting upgrades
  3. Services upgrades/changes
  4. Site and area lighting
  5. Electrical Systems Design and Construction
  6. New and relocated machines and equipment
  7. Troubleshooting and repair of electrical systems
  8. Parking lot wiring maintenance 
  9. Install electrical wiring for HVAC
  10. Forklift battery chargers
  11. Panel issues


Following up the Chase Elliott Foundation's DESI9N TO DRIVE cancer awareness scheme that Chase drove earlier this summer to benefit Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Chase and the No. 9 team are honoring cancer survivor Bill Roberts as part of the Martin Truex Jr. Foundation and The NASCAR Foundation’s Honor a Cancer Hero program. Roberts' name has replaced Elliott’s above the driver-side door this weekend in Kansas. In addition, Bill’s Georgia-based business, Bill Roberts Electrical, is partnering with the Chase Elliott Foundation to gift cuddly stuffed bears to Children’s hospitals this fall as part of the NASCAR Foundation’s Speedy Bear Brigade program.


Additional Services:


    2.We do new LED installs.

    3. We maintain all existing electrical fixtures and devices

    4. We troubleshoot and repair electrical problems

    5. We install lights, switches, dimmers and receptacles

    6. We preform regularly scheduled preventative inspections of parking lots and power systems.